Professional Headshot Photographer: Have you updated your headshot?

Professional Headshot Photographer: Have you updated your headshot?

In today's world of business, first impressions are everything, and hiring a professional headshot photographer is an important step in that formula. Whether you're meeting a client for the first time or networking with industry peers, your appearance can say a lot about you and your brand. That's why having a professional headshot is crucial [...]

Executive Group Portraits during Covid-19 times

Executive Group Portraits during Covid-19 times

The Uncertainty With the Covid-19 restrictions to keep everyone safe, it's pretty difficult to do executive group portraits or business group pictures during these times. There's a lot of questions and uncertainty if this can be accomplished with the social distancing requirements and having to wear masks. It can make it seem tough or merely [...]

Executive Portraits, Business Portraits, Winnipeg

Executive Portraits, Business Portraits, Winnipeg

Professional executive portraits, business portraits or headshots, however, you want to name them, are now more than ever one of the most important investments you can make for yourself, your brand and your business. I'm sure you have heard the saying, “you only get one chance to make a first impression.” Research supports this popular [...]